Senior Research Fellow, European Neighbourhood Policy Chair
Dr Andriy Tyushka joined the ENP Chair at the College of Europe and as a Research Fellow in November 2016, having previously held a Post-Doctoral Fellowship position with the Chair in 2014. He is also a member of the Strategic Partnerships Group (spg.umk.pl) at the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń (Poland) and an editor of the Polish-Studies.Interdisciplinary online platform (pol-int.org) run by the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder (Germany).
Prior to joining the College of Europe, Dr Andriy Tyushka held research and teaching positions in Spain (University of Deusto), Germany (German-French Institute in Ludwigsburg), and, most recently, Estonia (Baltic Defence College), where in 2016 he was awarded the BALTDEFCOL Service Cross for outstanding service. He was also a research fellow in the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine), where he obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. (C.Sc.) in International Relations and World Politics. He also holds advanced postgraduate degrees in Constitutional Law (University of Lviv), and International Relations and European Integration (Estonian School of Diplomacy).
Dr Tyushka’s research focuses primarily on (Eastern) European security (Ukraine, Poland, Russia); the EU’s (Eastern) neighbourhood, foreign and security policy, including the EU association agreements and structural power in the neighbourhood; Franco-German European politics; constitutional studies (Ukraine, EU); and strategic narratives and partnerships in international relations.
He published among others in European View, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic Journal of European Studies, Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Modern Ukrainian Politics, Political Management, and Law Journal (Kyiv). He also authors the Ukrainian translation of the German volume ‘Europe from A to Z: A Guide to European Integration’ (edited by W. Weidenfeld and W. Wessels; Nomos, 10th ed. 2007), and he co-authored the first Ukrainian ‘Handbook on International Organizations’ (edited by O. Kuchyk; Znannia, 1st ed. 2005, 497 p.; 2nd ed. 2007, 749 p.).
His most important publications include:
- ‘States, International Organizations and Strategic Partnerships‘ (with L. Czechowska et. al.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019.
- ‘Semi-Presidentialism’, in: R. Grote, F. Lachenmann and R. Wolfrum (eds.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL), Oxford: OUP, 2019.
- ‘The Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Addressing the Law and Politics of Effective Implementation and Application of the Association acquis’, in: A. Zygierewicz (ed.), Association Agreements between the EU and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine (pp.161-241), Brussels: European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), 2018.
- ‘Russian Geopolitical Narratives from “Geopolitics 101” to Postmodern Revisionism: Implications for the Baltic-Pontic Region’, Global Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 4-5, 2018: 487-501.
- ‘Association-cum-Integration: The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the ‘Association Law’ as an Institution of Ukraine’s European Integration’, in: Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, Vol. 13, 2017, pp. 87-132.
- ‘Building the Neighbours: EU’s New Association Agreements and Structural Power in the Eastern Neighbourhood’, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2017: 45-61.
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+48 22 54 59 466
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